Transformers and shunts

A current transformer uses diminutive current distribution to maximize measurement accuracy. In this way current transformers can measure a greater current than a measuring instrument can measure. In addition, a power transformer can be used for invoicing. A measurement shunt is a precision resistor that creates a low resistance to measure alternating current and direct current.

Types of transformers and shunts -


product_cat -

Number of phases +

Number of poles +

Number of outputs +

Dimensions +

Type of Protection +

Lightning current +

Certification +

Function +

Applicable to +

Accessibility +

Communication +

Communication in +

Communication out +

Electrical networks +

Electrical control +

IP value +

Master version +

With backlight +

With backup battery +

With battery management +

Rated voltage +

Current value

Luminaire type +

Type of load

Type I/O +

Zonings +

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