Project Support

In addition to providing products and solutions, we are known for our professional services. When it comes to service, you have the choice of a wide range of support options. We are happy to assist you if you have purchased a product or solutions and could use our project support.

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Extensive support options for projects

When our support team is called in for project support, one of our experts will translate all customer requirements into functional solutions. The work in which we can support is very variable.

From software programming support to hardware installation support. And from support in installing a separate controller to support in the realization of an entire application. Our support team will take on the challenge of every issue and is happy to assist our customers.

  • Project support at product or software level
  • Custom support fully tailored to your needs and requirements
  • Wishes and requirements translated into functional solutions
  • Dedicated support team with years of practical experience
  • Certainty of an optimally functioning product or solution
Our customers rate us 8 out of 10

See the results of our most recent customer satisfaction survey here.


More knowledge and practice about products or solutions you have purchased from us? Take a training course.

Support in the broadest sense of the word

Support in the broadest sense of the word
Project support to take place at our test and training facility or on location at our customer or end user. Of course, this depends on the type of support.

  • For starters, we can provide design support. We select the required hardware based on single-line and the application. Immediately following the design, you may choose to engage us for commissioning assistance. If the customer chooses to install the software themselves, they can always send us a support request during or after installation in case of any problems.
  • We also offer software preparation support. On the one hand, we offer the possibility that we write the software and deliver it to you on a usb stick. On the other hand, we can write the software, put it directly on a controller and send the fully programmed controller to you. Another possibility is that we write the software, program the controller and that one of our technical team comes to you to assist with commissioning.
  • So, we can be called upon to assist with commissioning. If the customer lacks product knowledge, one of our support team can use their knowledge and expertise to provide a solution.

Support fully tailored to customer needs

Could you use our support during a project? Make an application now. After your application, we will contact you as soon as possible for an appointment. We will take into account the given preferred date and any wishes in the comments field.
